Other Relief Works

Relief Works

Viveknagar Centre along with its sub-centre, Gangail Road City Centre provide relief service under Vivekananda Swasthya Parisheva Prakalpa (VSPP) & Gadadhar Abhyudaya Prakalpa (GAP) funded by Govt. of India through Mission Headquarters at Belur Math
(Unselfish Loving Service rendered for the benefit of the destitute people of the State)

  1. Sarada Anna Bhandar: Daily Cooked Food Packets are distributed among the Footpath Dwellers
  2. GadadharAbhyudayaPrakalpa(Integrated Child Development Project) for the underprivileged children of the localities
  3. Ma Sarada ShikshaSahayata Kendra(MSSSK): Supports to the underprivileged children of the Society for Educational and all round Development. Presently hundreds of poor students are being benefited through three such units at Ambasa, Amtali and BhagavandasChawdhury Para, Agartala
  4. Gokul Dham and Jal Vihar: Production of Milk, Vegetables & Supply of free Water at Viveknagar
  5. Extending Pecuniary Supports to the needy people
  6. Relief Operations: During Calamities the RKM, Viveknagar Centre conducts the Relief operations among the distressed people
  7. Special Welfare Projects are taken up every year:
    Distribution of Thousands of Sarees and Dress Materials among the needy people
    Distribution of Thousands of Blankets among the destitute people
    Distribution of Hundreds of Mosquito Nets among the needy people
  8. Offering of One Month Ration, Sarees and pecuniary Help among the 125 Poor Widow Mothers
  9. Distribution of 125 Solar Lanterns in the village areas of Tripura
  10. Distribution of Dress and Study Materials among the 125 orphan students